Recently after a long discussion on the virtues of knowledge, and validity of inspiration behind opinions about art and music with a friend, I thought maybe they’ll come a day that we would all be grateful to NSA (National Security Agency), for having have kept a record of our very ephemeral discussions online. In a way what revealed so much of the history of discourse among intellectuals of various epochs was their epistolary communications. In our time the only place where there is a record of any communication is in the hands of NSA. Many of our young aspiring intellectual who might change the world with their views and inspiration, may be having some incredible conversations online with some equally wise unknown thinker right this minute. We will sadly, never be able to read those exchanged thoughts. Or is it that thoughts, like luxury brands have lost their luster. In a world where every question can be googled and every thought can be put down immediately on facebook, does curiosity have any value in deepening thoughts and do thoughts themselves have any value. The moral question in this ephemeral times of thought and knowledge should be is there any value […]
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